Metal Musings
I am here and I am miles away.
It’s as if the door to the past opened for me.
The death of someone from another place and time, ten years ago, a time when my version of myself was vastly different.
I read the magazine article and saw the name Braun. It made me think. Of Erez who’s father was a Rabbi in Israel and his wife, a Greek designer who worked in metal.
Is it metal or mettle I am supposed to think about? In the laboratory of my youth, we placed metal ions on biological molecules. I have known many inorganic chemists that talk metal molecules.
I loved the other worldliness of the metal molecule arrangements. Precious metals we say.What’s precious to me are memories. Metals
I once sold my gold to survive. When I look at photos from 2010–2017 I am always smiling and laughing.Why? That happiness is hard to find now. I had once again my happiness, shining like metal, because I could take care of myself. Financially,emotionally,and felt in harmony with my personal power. I wrote a book,I learned a lot of technology and felt the freedom of paid holidays.
In a blink of an eye, my world changed,again.
I thought about the doors of bronze my paternal grandfather made for buildings in Worcester. What metal would describe me best? Titanium because I am strong or am I 18k gold beautiful and able to blend.