The last thing my Father said:
I read a story about how a father’s last words to his son inspired his life and career. What he said on his deathbed was, “Son its time for you to be a man, the teller of the story went on to a lifetime military career.
The last words of our loved ones get etched in our memories, minds, and hearts. My father was my champion. He encouraged my education, mental gymnastics, and practical skills. As a result, I excelled at math, science, and the arts! Back then his words were about me going into medicine. I worked in a pharmacy and studied chemistry. Maybe he was right. He loved when I shared the lab work I was involved in.
One of my first memories of this was of spelling. He helped me to have the conjugate cam in my repertoire. With my father’s help, I skipped third grade and later graduated high school 2nd by only .5 a point! A brilliant engineer he was very focused so I paid attention to what he said. I have inherited his love for innovation, music, laughter, travel, and the beach.
My father loved the community and people. Even after a major stroke he made friends and mentored! As I find myself involved in the same, the story about the last words we shared remains in my heart.
The last time he was in the hospital in Worcester, I was managing the Persian rug store and the owner was out of the country seeing his father. His brother would not let me go when he was taken in. My sister and my aunt were there and we often talked. I wanted to talk to my father. Somehow I felt that when it happened, it would be my last goodbye.
The day came when they put my father on the phone. I asked him about the light and whispered in Polish for him to look for God once he got there. Hours later my father left this world, I got the call and was able to attend the funeral. Sharing a moment where we looked to the divine together will always be why I will never forget the last words my father said to me.