Traditions of the Soul
As the story unfolded, visions of my immigrant grandparents stepping by lady liberty and an unknown future haunted my thoughts.
My past life in a gypsy village embedded in the traditions of the soul. The sound of Yiddish, the tune of the song, made my ancestral past a palpable feeling the present.
The bonding of men and women in love have strengthened or broken the bonds of family trees over time. Adding a branch here and there, one generation evolving into he next.
I am in the land of sunshine, my present home warm with expressions of daily living, yet acutely aware of that arctic wind of change that moves around the world.
Far from my only family, and the separation I caused by taking the road less traveled years ago. At times they gather without me, which makes the traditions of soul I create with those in my circle of friends now much more important, and knowing that no matter the distance, the bond of love is stronger.